Raspberry Privacy Project (RPP)

Updated October 18, 2020

This is an introduction to a series on setting up home resources to replace online services to save you money, keep control of your data, and protect your privacy.  The series will journal how I will use a Raspberry Pi to bring online platforms like Alexa and Cloud Storage in house step by step, and will be continuously updated, so that you can see the best practice that I know of to date.

Warning: You will not save time!  This will take you far longer, and probably be way more frustrating, than simply paying in dollars and/or privacy.  Your choice.


  • Prepare the Raspberry Pi.  Set up an RPi 4 as your server with a 64-bit operating system, optimize to extend life and efficiency, free software that makes future steps easier, external storage, and linkage so that it is accessible by your home network and from the internet.
  • Raspberry Pi OS.  Currently using RPI OS 64-Bit (Beta).
  • Open Media Vault. Make the RPi into a NAS; mount an external harddrive (separate from your operating system).
  • OpenHab.
  • NextClud.
  • PiHole.
  • Plex.
  • Kodi.
  • WordPress.

Here are some tips to people new to Raspberry Pi.  They are the commands I reference frequently since I am not fluent in linux.

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