Install Open Media Vault (OMV) on Raspberry Pi 4 Running Raspberry PI OS 64-Bit

(Updated Oct. 18, 2020)


Install Open Media Vault (OMV) on a RPi4 running a headless install of RaspberryOS 64-bit (beta), set up a 5 TB attached drive, and access the drive as a NAS from Windows and Macintosh computers on the network.


OMV is a flexible platform to run a NAS from your Raspberry Pi. This walk through will install OMV, acess it from your web browser, designate the external storage drive, add users and begin to upload files.


  • RPi 4
  • Raspberry PI OS 64-bit
  • External Storage Drive.  (I am using a WD Black 5 TB game drive.)



  • Update your RPi: sudo apt update & sudo apt full-upgrade
  • The official installation guide for OMV on RPi recommends removing this link file and reboot.  NOTE: This tends disable my eth0 connection and I no longer have access to the internet or SSH login.  There are a couple of posts that seem to address this issue here, here and here, but have not tried any of them yet and instead I skipped this removal step entirely and it seems to work fine.

sudo rm -f /etc/systemd/network/

  • And reboot

sudo reboot

  • Run the following command in the SSH terminal:

wget -O – | sudo bash

  • Log into OMV.  After installation, a web interface will be set up at port 80 (the standard port for web traffic).  Type the ip or hostname for the raspberry pi.
  • Use the default user name (admin) and password (openmediavault)
  • For a good walk through about how to set up some of the basic features, including Docker, Docker-Compose, and Portainer, check out this video at about 8 minutes.
  • Assuming you have it running, you’ll want to add the following to enable extra functionality. First, in SSH, log in and grant yourself root access:  sudo -s
  • Then install the ‘omv-extras’ expansion:

wget -O – | bash

Adding Users

  • First, change the default password for the admin:  Click on “General Setting” under “System” on the left hand menu ber, then click on “Web Administrator Password” in the banner menu bar.
  • Add a new user.  Click on “User” under “Access Rights Management” on the left hand menu bar.  Then click the “Add” button.  There are two important steps: (1) fill out the user details; (2) click on the “Groups” tab, and select the following groups for an administrative user:  adm, backup, docker, sambashare, ssh, sudo, users

Adding a Storage Drive

  • You will want to



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